Diverse Ausschreibungen
PhD position at the Department of Neurology, University of Würzburg
- Topic: Electrophysiological investigation of the pathogenicity of genetic variants in pain-associated genes of patients with small fiber pathology and pain.
- Tasks PhD candidate:
– Electrophysiological analysis (patch-clamp, multielectrode array) of patient-derived and sensory neurons in mono- and co-culture with Schwann cells
– HEK cell transfection and electrophysiological analysis
– Generation of patient-derived Schwann cells via iPSC
– Analysis of cultured Schwann cells by immunocytochemistry, qRT-PCR, and FACS - Start and duration: Earliest time point from now on for 3 years, 65% E13.
- Requirements: Experience in electrophysiology (patch-clamp) and cell culture
- Contact: contact: Application with a motivational letter to Prof. Dr. N. Üçeyler ueceyler_n@ukw.de
- For further reading see attached documents
Postdoc or PhD position at the Max-Planck-Institute, Magdeburg
- The Bioprocess Engineering Group at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (Magdeburg) offers a postdoc or PhD position in the Molecular Biology team
- Topic: “Genetic engineering of virus-cell propagation systems for cell culture-based viral vector production”
- Qualification profile:
– Above-average Master or PhD degree in biochemistry, molecular biotechnology, biosystems engineering, molecular bioengineering or similar
– Profound knowledge in molecular biology, virology and immunology - Please submit your application documents including a CV, reference letters, and transcript of records (high school, Bachelor and Master degree; PhD degree optional) only via email to: Dr.-Ing. Sascha Y. Kupke (kupke@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de )
- For further reading see attached documents
iGEM Wettbewerb 2022
- Teilnahme an internationalem Wettbewerb innerhalb eines Teams aus Studierenden und zwei graduierten Betreuer*innen
- Als Team erarbeitet ihr gemeinsam ein Thema (Themenbereich: Synthetische Biologie) und versucht dieses Problem mit Hilfe wissenschaftlicher Methoden zu lösen
- Für Details, Anregungen oder Teilnahme, schicke gerne bis zum 11.02.22 eine E-Mail an: igem.goethe@gmail.de
- Weitere Infos: www.igem.org und im Anhang
Volontär*in mit naturwissenschaftlichem Hintergrund bei ISGRO (Mannheim)
- Gesucht wird wissenschaftliche Verstärkung im Bereich der Gesundheitskommunikation
- Voraussetzung ist ein Bachelor of Science
- Entwicklung und Umsetzung von kreativen Formaten im Rahmen von Healthcare-Kampagnen für Fach- und Publikums Zielgruppen
- Bewerbung unter: personalabteilung@isgro-gk.de
- Für weitere Infos: siehe Anhang
Scientific Assistant for research on honey bees with interest in molecular biology
- Topic: development of honey bees and their interactions within the colony
- Methods:
– Use of staining methods to detect the expression of receptors and cell structures during honeybee embryogenesis
– Creation of transgenic honey bee lines (e.g. with CRISPR/Cas9)
– Exploration of effects of environment and pesticides on organismic interactions within the bee colony through video analysis of brood care behavior and composition analysis of brood food - Start and duration: Start date is March/April 2022. (66% E13 TV-G-U)
- Requirements: Motivated student with a Master’s degree or who are about to graduate until March/April. Interest in working in an interdisciplinary research team, knowledge of molecular biology and cell biology methods as well as the motivation to learn them
- Contact: Dr. Paul Siefert vom Institut für Bienenkunde Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main siefert@bio.uni-frankfurt.de, Website: www.institut-fuer-bienenkunde.de
- For further reading see attached documents